
Honda GL-100 Supermoto

The first time the idea modification Honda GL-100 This is a long sebenernya've got something special yg yg others do not have hence the better the dirty daydream daydream gmn caranya & modification of this motor is a motor accident along memory lane motors used dmn dijadiin just adjacent to the old iron house .

Having asked around trus recommended follow-up mailing HOMO (honda_motor@yahoogroups.comAlamat e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it) by friends trus poisoned by Heru top Hornet, it will be herded into ntu Corie motor for the upgrade Tigi components. Udah ok machine, tried to bandung ngadat also ok but not too embarrassed ngeliat lama2 motor show yg worse than the motor motorcycle taxi =)

From there began to daydream again Eke deh, initially self-front purchase of the second Tigi Ucok, nego sodomy only deal in HP trus H. Nawi and directly submitted to the motor Ucok (fortunately not ilang gw ntu new motor is a new meet & know each Ucok heheh ). Intention to genti front tomorrow instead tigi all pairs of rear disc .... then after dipake Temanggung TDG to taste the stern was still rocking klo dg nikung high speed, trus began changing tires in size 120/70 back modif all pake tank lid has like ninja.

Not long ago began to daydream again after Honda Ape see picture at ww w.hondaheaven.or then dying monosok pairs (see attached).

No one is thinking this is the motor Babe2 very original condition is not considered that strolled the streets again ...
Now ...? hehehehehe .... yg whose eyes do not want to glance.

Ntah later going to be much less ntu yg sure that the motor bike is not gonna be sold for without the bike is not gonna see gw alm.nyokap before he breathed his breath last one.


Hornet - 110

Nama Pemilik : AdeSoe

Alamat : Taman Ventura Indah II, Tanah Baru Depok

Data Modifikasi

Ban Depan : Mizzle Power VTX 100/80-17"

Ban Belakang : Bridgestone Battlax 120/70-17"

Velg Dpn - Blkng : 17x1.85" - 17x2.50"

Sok Depan : Yamaha Scorpio

Monosok : Suzuki Satria

Swing Arm Belakang : Yamaha Scorpio

Stabilizer swing arm :pakai sok mobil Toyota Kijang diposisi-kan dibawah mesin

Mesin : Bore Up s/d 200cc

Knalpot : Made in Dewek

Data Modifikator

Ucok Speed Specialties (HDC)

Jl.Kramat - Kampung Utan, Bintaro Telp : 0812-909 6608